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Physical Education


Curriculum vision

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying." Michael Jordan 

We provide an inclusive curriculum which allows students to enjoy physical activity and make progress. The department provides opportunities for students to become physically confident to support their health and fitness. 

We offer an extensive extracurricular programme that enables all students to represent their school and community, providing them the opportunity to achieve excellence and success.  

Enjoyment is achieved through: 

  • Delivering the best possible learning experiences and sporting environment for students to fulfil their potential whilst providing students with the appropriate level of challenge and push all students to meet and exceed their potential. 
  • Demonstrating discipline, respect and sportsmanship through interschool events, local community participation and building club port links for all. 
  • Promoting a lifeline engagement in sport and healthy, active lifestyles using key skills such as LORIC: Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Independence and Creativity. 

Throughout the course, each student will develop their mind, body and character through: personal challenge, discipline, sportsmanship and LORIC. 

Throughout students PE learning journey, we deliver a broad curriculum to inspire students. We aim to develop competence, confidence, character and physical skills and whilst doing this, students will become resilient with their approach to all activity, in order to always be the best that they can be. 

Students will become positive ambassadors for the school and the community through their participation with an array of events, showing respect to all and in return, will be well-respected for their roles in both their school and their local area. 

Students gain knowledge and values to lead healthy active lifestyles throughout their school lives and beyond, developing positive working relationships between staff and students. Additionally, students will further develop these relationships when forming links with post 16 providers to prolong further education in sport. 

"PE has inspired me to think of multiple careers and it’s my passion and it keeps me going mentally." Year 8 pupil 

Curriculum overview

Physical Education – Curriculum overview

Sport Science – Curriculum Overview


Curriculum accreditation

Key Stage 4 Sport Science students follow the OCR Cambridge National Sport Science specification. 

The full OCR Cambridge National Sport Science specification here

Further learning

Additional subject specific materials and resources to support learning in Physical Education can be found be visiting the websites below.

Click on the GCSE BBC bitesize logo to visit their website


Careers links