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School Blog and news

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  • Further message from the headteacher

    Published 12/09/23

    Dear parents and carers,


    Further to my communication on social media today, I would like to update you on the situation.  This morning, we alerted the Police to an email making threats to the school and some other schools within the local authority.  Cheshire Police have said that they believe this to be malicious and are currently investigating.


    As a result of this, we followed our critical incident procedures, implementing additional measures as a precaution to ensure all students and staff remain safe in school.  As you know, the site is secured each day as a matter of course.  Our local Police officers attended the school and also provided a presence at the end of the day to reassure everyone within the community.


    Cheshire Police have issued a statement as follows:


    At around 10.05am on Tuesday 12 September, police were made aware of an email which had been sent to a number of schools in Chester and Ellesmere Port which made threats to pupils and staff.

    An investigation has been launched and officers have been attending schools to provide reassurance.

    Detective Chief Inspector Justin Hancock said: “We would like to reassure parents that this is believed to be malicious and we are doing everything we can to locate the person responsible for these emails."

    I would like to reassure parents that school will remain open as usual.  We take safeguarding seriously as a school and have appropriate procedures in place to ensure the safety of students and staff on site.

    We ask that you contact the main reception if you need to come in to the building during the day, as the front entrance and gate will remain closed for the rest of the week, as a precautionary measure.


    We will speak to students in the morning to reassure them and will continue to provide any further updates as we receive them.



    Rachel Hudson


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  • Message from the Headteacher

    Published 12/09/23

    Some parents may be aware of other schools in the area being in lockdown following a communication which is now being dealt with by the Police.  I would like to reassure you that Blacon High School is not currently in lockdown, however, we have taken precautions and put in place some additional measures to ensure that all students and staff remain safe in school.  I will update you with any further information as it becomes available.

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  • Year 11 exam results 2023

    Published 31/08/23
    Following a less than straightforward journey throughout their high school career, Blacon High School students are today celebrating their achievements they absolutely deserve. In recent articles, being named as ‘the unluckiest cohort of stu
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  • Blog #11

    Published 07/08/23

    Blacon High School Blog #11

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  • Blog #10

    Published 03/05/23
    Blog w\c 24\04\23   Hi All, Well, I hope you all enjoyed the Easter break. The summer term has started with the usual energy, albeit with the interruptions of the industrial action. Thankfully, the school is able to remain open to suppo
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  • Blog #9

    Published 20/03/23

    Blog w/e: 17/03/2023


    Hi All,

    Wow! Time seems to be flying past at a rate of knots as we hurtle towards Easter. We have been really busy in school as you can see below.


    Science Week



    As part of science week out year 9s have been making models of the National Grid out of recyclable materials. The winning group bagged themselves an Easter egg each. As you can see from the photos, there were some fantastic efforts.

    Well done to Cal Mackin, Lucas Edwards, Summer Challinor and Ella Marshall.

    Other activities saw Yr 8s making parachutes and launching them from the balcony on the third floor into the Diner below, not while people were eating of course, and tracking their flight paths.



    Girls Basketball opportunity

    If you’re interested in trying a new sport, or you already play basketball, please see the flyer below.

    This is a great opportunity to get involved in something new and a chance to make new friends. Sport is also a fantastic way, not only to learn new technical expertise and improve your fitness, it is also great for developing both team working and leadership skills.

    Students to the rescue


    It is my pleasure to introduce to you our new team of Librarians. Initially, they will be helping Mrs Williams in the Library each Thursday.

    The Library is used as a classroom all day, it hosts clubs, and it is also, of course, a place where you can go to read or to borrow books. With this much activity, it’s a full time job just trying to keep on top of everything. As such, the help that this team will provide is very welcome.

    Thanks in advance to: Ava May, Ben, Sofia, Bethany and Evelyn who have now all been issued with shiny, new Librarian badges.  It is a reflection of the outstanding character of our students when they offer much needed help.


    Student Parliament Meeting – 17/03/2023



    Friday saw the latest meeting of our Student Parliament.

    Students were working on two key questions:

    1. Follow-up response and feedback on the school day now that we are half way through the year
    2. The food offer in school: What you like? What you don’t like? Is there anything you’d like to add?

    The good news is that, following initial concerns about the shorter lunch break when the new school day was launched in September, this doesn’t seem to be an issue.

    Student voice was almost entirely positive:

    ‘I like the two lessons, then break, then two lessons until lunch’

    ‘I like that we only have one lesson after lunch’

    ‘Afternoon tutor session is put to good use, especially in year 11’

    ‘Break is at a good time’

    ‘It’s better that lessons are 60 minutes now rather than 65’

    The only negative was:

    ‘Tutor is too long in the middle of the day’

    In terms of the food offer, again, students were positive and said they liked:

    ‘Chip Friday, chicken curry, hot panini, good sized portions’

    In terms of what they want, students were very clear:

    ‘Salad bar, all day breakfast, fruit pots, bring back pizza,

    Students also wanted to make sure that the menu matches what is on offer if it has been changed.

    Thanks to all of the Student Parliament for their input and honesty. Their feedback is always shared and discussed and, where possible, we will react and inform them what actions we have taken based on their advice.


    Student-led advice for Year 9 Options



    Whilst most of our Year 9 students had already made their initial GCSE option choices, understandably, if there is a subject that you haven’t had any experience of, how do you decide whether you want to take it for GCSE?

    Fortunately, most of these questions were answered at our Year 9 options Evening on 2nd March. However, there were still a few students who were unsure what to pick so what better way than to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Any Year 9s who wanted to were invited to chat to those students from Years 10 and 11 who are already part way through the course in subjects like: Computer Science; iMedia; Child Development and Health and Social Care.


    World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development



    On Sunday 21st May, it is World Cultural Diversity Day and, although in the earliest stage of planning, Blacon High School is hoping to host an event on an evening very close to that date.

    I have been doing a bit of research and note that we have students from a host of different cultures and backgrounds, and it is our hope to celebrate this diversity by hosting a community event. Just what format this will take is, at this stage, unclear but we hope that it will involve food, flags, maps and music.

    Keep an eye on the school website and social media for update; I’m really excited about this one.


    And finally,

    Thank you, as always to parents and carers for your ongoing support.

    If your child is in Year 11, please encourage them to do some revision each night; the exams will be upon us in no time.


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  • Blog #6

    Published 16/01/23

    Blog #6 2022

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  • BLOG #5

    Published 16/01/23

    Blog #5 2022

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  • Blog #4

    Published 16/01/23

    Blacon High School Blog #4 2022

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  • Blog #3

    Published 11/10/22

    Blacon High School Blog #3

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